Using Tastypie Inside Django

Wed 21 November 2012 by George Dorn

Make use of a Tastypie's API from within Django

Tastypie is an excellent way to generate a REST API with minimal coding. But often it exists as a separate means of accessing your data, with its own implementation of your business logic, while your views also implement business logic.

If you make an API, why not use it?

The basic wrapper:

from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve, Resolver404
from django.http import HttpRequest

def rest(path, query={}, data={}, headers={}, method="GET"):
    Converts a RPC-like call to something like a HttpRequest, passes it
    to the right view function (via django's url resolver) and returns
    the result.

        path: a uri-like string representing an API endpoint. e.g. /v1/resource/27
        query: dictionary of GET-like query parameters to pass to view
        data: dictionary of POST-like parameters to pass to view
        headers: dictionary of extra headers to pass to view (will end up in request.META)
        method: HTTP verb for the emulated request
        a tuple of (status, content):
            status: integer representing an HTTP response code
            content: string, body of response; may be empty
    #adjust for lack of trailing slash, just in case
    if path[-1] != '/':
        path += '/'

    hreq = FakeHttpRequest()
    hreq.path = path
    hreq.GET = query
    hreq.POST = data
    hreq.META = headers
    hreq.method = method
        view = resolve(hreq.path)
        res = view.func(hreq, *view.args, **view.kwargs)
    except Resolver404:
        return (404, '')

    return (res.status_code, res._container) #container is the untouched content before HttpResponse mangles it.

class FakeHttpRequest(HttpRequest):
    Custom version of Django's HttpRequest to minimize unnecessary work
    for in-process requests.
    _read_started = False

    def raw_post_data(self):
        Instead of providing a file-like object representing the body
        of the request, just return the internal dict; tastypie copes with
        this just fine.
        return self.POST

Then, to call it:

def view_list(request):
  res = rest("/api/v1/mymodel/")
  objects = json.loads(res)
  return render(request, 'mytemplate.html', {'list': objects})

A couple annoyances, though: #. FakeHttpRequest is a bit of a hack. It'd be nice to be able to talk to the api object directly. On the upside, you can use this to call views other than API views. #. TastyPie serializes the outgoing data, since it thinks it is headed out over HTTP. It'd be nice to skip this step.

A fix for the second annoyance:

from tastypie.serializers import Serializer

class CustomNoneSerializer(Serializer):
    A custom serializer for TastyPie allowing "none" as an encoding type.

    Resources need to specify this serializer as Meta.serializer.

    @todo: Is there a better way to tell TastyPie to not do any serialization per-request
        (without breaking a hypothetical HTTP REST service)?
    formats = Serializer.formats + ['none']
    content_types = Serializer.content_types
    content_types['none'] = 'none/none'

    def to_none(self, data, options=None):
        Outbound 'serializer'.
        #If the object is a tastypie bundle containing a dict, just return the dict.
        if hasattr(data, 'data'):
        elif isinstance(data, dict):
            if 'objects' in data:
                data['objects'] = [ for foo in data['objects']]
        return data

    def from_none(self, data, options=None):
        return data

And now add this to FakeHttpRequest:

def encoding(self):
    We're passing python native types around and not encoding anything,
    so all FakeHttpRequests are encoded as 'none/none'.
    return 'none/none'

Now you get python dictionaries back.
