The 1.5 minute guide to the successful installation of Tweetledee: You will need the following: 1. Access to a web server with PHP version 5.1.2 or higher (5.4 or higher for pretty printed JSON) 2. libcurl installed on your web server (provides cURL - - generally included on servers from major service providers 3. A Twitter "app" from which you will obtain the: 1) consumer key 2) consumer secret 3) access key 4) access secret 3-Step Installation instructions: 1. Open the file on the path tweetledee > tldlib > keys > tweetledee_keys.php in any text editor and enter the information that you obtained from your Twitter app in the corresponding fields. Leave the single quotes around the alphanumeric strings that you enter. 2. Upload the 'tweetledee' directory (that is located in the directory where this README file resides) to the public facing directory on your web server. On many servers, this is the public_html directory 3. Kick the tires with the following test (it gives you a syndicated feed of the user timeline for my @0labs account): http:///tweetledee/userrss.php?user=0labs That was easy... Go crazy, be good, have fun. If you find a bug, please post it as a new issue on the GitHub repository. If you have questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line @0labs on Twitter. If you would like to contribute to the project, by all means, please do so. -Chris @0labs